Forest and moorland
28,33 Km
1 h 53 min
I begin / Family

28,33 km cycling route from Compiègne to Pont-Sainte-Maxence

Compiègne is set beside forests that extend as far as the Château de Pierrefonds, but leaving town by bike, the route sticks beside the Oise, passing its many river barges. It leads you on swiftly via some dozen lakes created by the sand-extracting industry. Several outdoor leisure centres have been set up around here, between Verberie and Pontpoint; they offer bathing, fishing, even water-skiing, as well as bird observatories and zones where pike can spawn… At Pontpoint, you leave the Oise River and the Route Stevenson®, riding past Le Moncel Royal Abbey to reach the well-shaded Halatte Forest. The Scandibérique route takes you here to a realm where the stag is king!

Elevation of the stage

31 m 23 m

Waytypes of the stage

Cycle path: 28,47 km

Surface of the stage

Unknown: 28,47 km

The route

Along a greenway beside the Oise. There are short stretches on roads after Verberie and just before Pont-Ste-Maxence. Connection with the Avenue Verte London-Paris at Pont-Sainte-Maxence. Signposted EV3.
Surfacing smooth: compacted tracks and asphalt.

Connections with the Basse-Automne and Plaine d’Estrées Greenways.


  • Compiègne train station : Intercités ⇄Paris, Saint-Quentin, Maubeuge, TER ⇄Amiens, Noyon, Saint-Quentin, Creil, Chantilly
  • Le Meux  train station : regional TER train ⇄ Paris, Creil, Compiègne
  • Pont-Sainte-Maxence  train station : Intercités ⇄Paris, Saint-Quentin, Maubeuge, TER ⇄Compiègne

Don't miss

  • Compiègne: the Château de Compiègne; the Hôtel de Ville, or town hall (with its ornate figures, the Picantins); Allée des Beaux-Monts, an impressive wide grassy avenue with vistas, created for Napoleon I; Compiègne Forest; Musée Vivenel (on art and archaeology); Musée de la Figurine Historique (collections of miniature military soldiers in set-piece scenes)
  • Pontpoint: Abbaye Royale du Moncel
  • Pont-Sainte-Maxence: Art Deco buildings
  • Halatte Forest

Accommodation on the stage

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