Bivouac dans la montagne basque © P. Gaillard - C. Munsch - ADT64

EuroVelo 3 - Pilgrims' Cycle Route

The Scandibérique is the French part of EuroVelo 3. This European cycle route crosses 7 countries over a distance of more than 5,400 kilometres. The adventure starts in Trondheim, Norway, and takes you to Cap-Fisterra in Spain. Discover some of Europe's most famous pilgrimage routes along the Pilgrims' Cycle Route.

EuroVelo 3 : what countries do you travel through? 

EuroVelo 3 begins by crossing three Scandinavian countries: Norway, Sweden and Denmark. To cross the Skagerrak maritime passage, you 've got to take a ferry between Göteborg (Sweden) and Frederikshavn (Denmark). The fresh sea air will give you strength for the journey to Germany and the bustling city of Hamburg. The German route passes through many historic cities, including Bremen, Cologne and Aachen. Cultural stages that are really worth the diversions. 

Once you have arrived in France, after completing the Thuin - Maubeuge stage, you will be able to cross 20 French departments and ride for more than 1700 kilometres before reaching Spain. The Franco-Spanish border crossing will take place a few kilometres from the famous medieval city of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port.

In Spain, you will follow the main stages of the pilgrimage with stops in Pamplona, Burgos and León. You will end the Cap-Fisterra passing by this magnificent adventure in the mythical city of Santiago de Compostela.

Why cycle on EuroVelo 3? 

EuroVelo 3 is a cycle route that gives you the opportunity to contemplate a wide variety of landscapes. From a cultural point of view, no less than 20 sites are classified as UNESCO world heritage sites on the route. You will therefore have the opportunity to vary your pleasures by cultivating yourself and above all by discovering new cultures. With 7 countries crossed, this European route is the perfect opportunity to discover yourself while meeting the locals. A human and sporting adventure of 5,400 kilometres that will allow you to fully recharge your batteries during an extraordinary journey. EuroVelo 3, the route that will take you far!

How to prepare for a trip on EuroVelo 3?

EuroVelo 3 is not yet entirely continuous in Europe, but some sections are already well developed. To find all the practical information and prepare your route on EuroVelo 3, consult the dedicated page on the website. All the practical information on the French section of EuroVelo 3 can be found on this site dedicated to La Scandibérique.


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